Switch to repayment or part & part calculator
Your current mortgage
Please enter a valid Year/Month
How long do you have left on your mortgage?
Please enter a valid Switch Rate
What percentage of your Interest Only mortgage would you like to consider switching?
Calculation results
Interest Only | Repayment Mortgage | ||
Current term | Current term | Chosen term | |
Monthly Payment | |||
Total interest amount payable over term | |||
Balance owed at end of term | |||
Total amount payable over term (Capital plus Interest) | |||
Saving in total amount payable compared to Interest-only | n/a |
Results – How much would you pay over your mortgage
term of ?
How much would you need to repay when your mortgage
term ends in ?
Payable | |
Interest only | |
Part & part (%) | |
Repayment mortgage |
The results of this calculator are based on several assumptions that may not apply to your mortgage. They should only be used as a guide as they are indicative only.